Tis the day after Christmas and the house is so quiet! We had a wonderful Christmas. Everyone seemed to enjoy their gifts. The grandchildren were precious. Kameren was excited to wear her new jumper with the matching outfit for her doll. Austin loved his quilt which he saw for the first time and Keegan was into his toys big time. On Christmas Eve the turkey got done hours before it should but Seth, the master cook knew what to do. Hubby's baked apples were wonderful. Of course after several holiday drinks no one really worried about any of it. I recieved 9 pairs of fancy socks! The kids also gave us a Wii .Christmas day we went to my Mom's place and had a fantastic buffet lunch put on by the Henry Ford Village. We had lunch with Mary and the Brain, Gretel and Tummy and Martha as well as my brother, his wife and daughter and his wife's parents. We laughed and had such a good time.
Today Amy is at her sister-in-laws, Martha is working, Mary and the Brain are back in Ohio, and Gretel is out with a friend and the Tummy is visiting his grandmother. So the house is very quiet.