Saturday, June 30, 2012

Out of Control

My life is out of control! The garden is beautiful.  This morning I planted a flat of Marigolds just to fill in the rock garden. It has been so dry here that Hubby had to add water to the water garden and the rain barrel (just to keep the goldfish alive.)(Perhaps I didn't tell you. Hubby uses a trash can to collect rain water from the downspout.  He noticed he had mosquito larvae growing in it , so he bought some feeder goldfish.  They ate all the larvae but he worried they didn't have enough oxygen, so he bought an aerator for them. Now he worries they don't have enough to eat so he feeds them every day.  When we had a power failure he bought an inverter to run the aerator from the car battery.)
     Tonight Gretel is coming with The Tummy and Molly to spend a week. Next Thursday, John is coming in with his family and Mary is coming up with Sofie.  Then a week from tomorrow Amy is coming with her kids.  I have Jury duty on Tuesday. What if I get assigned a jury with all this company in my house?( I did arrange for Gretel to take Mom out to lunch on Tuesday and take care of her medications.)
      Last Thursday I went to my first board meeting for the quilters guild I belong to. I had gone to the potluck, a week earlier, (I HATE POTLUCKS!) and got elected to Member at Large of the board.  So for the first meeting they said "Bring a dish to pass."  (Argh!)
     We have signed up to raise a Leader Dog Puppy and went to our first training class last Saturday.  It was very informative and we are excited.  We have asked for a Golden Retriever Puppy but we don't know when it is coming. Only 15% of the dogs they use are goldens, mostly labs.
    My craft room is a disaster.  I have done a lot of sewing for the babies but somehow I just accumulate more cloth.  It is in piles around the room and won't fit in all the storage boxes. I have Sammy's quilt half way assembled.(I made an Excel spreadsheet for it so that I can get it done before winter.)  Dorothy's quilt is ready for the quilt frame.  (That is waiting for Hubby to finish fixing the family room ceiling where the upstairs shower leaked through.) My Star Spangled quilt will be quilted by machine but there is no hurry on that. I have to get busy on the applique for my brother's quilt but I am hoping when Amy comes she can help me draw the birds.
    This is out of control. ( Oh, and I got Poison Ivy from weeding the garden)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Bet you wish you could go back to work and rest up, huh?