Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Molly Came to Visit

My grand daughter, Molly, Came to visit last month for a week.  I had the best time ever. She was delightful.  We went to Greenfield Village and rode the Model T and the train. The picture of Molly was taken in the millinery shop.

We also went to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. I think Molly pulled every lever and pushed every button in the place. She especially liked the green screen television set up and the levitation mirrors. We also spent a lot of time in the water area.

She had a trip to Brenda's Butterflies in Westland, Michigan and also the observatory at the Cranbrook Museum.  There we looked through the telescope and saw Jupiter with its 4 moons and Saturn with its rings.  The rest of the time she played with Mindy and played on the hammock.

Maya, my next door neighbor came over a fixed Molly's hair before she went to a birthday party. It was a wonderful busy week.

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