Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hubby and Grocery Shopping

Hubby does all the cooking at our house.  He even makes my coffee in the morning.  He also does all the shopping.  His philosophy is that if it costs more it must be better.  He is strictly a brand name shopper the only exception he might make is Kirkland.  He only goes to Kroger for some staples not their meat,produce or milk. He goes with his grocery list arranged in the order of the store layout. If the store changes that he is really upset. Yesterday they did and the manager gave him a copy of the new layout so he could rearrange his shopping list. Do you think that is OCD?


Richard said...


Unknown said...


Gretel said...

That’s also how I grocery shopped when I went to the store. Now I just sit with my cookbooks around me so I can plan the week with the recipes and check the fridge to see what I have.