Monday, December 22, 2014

I have a Code in my Node

The holiday season gets so busy and there is always the worry about someone getting sick,  Last year we had 16 people sleeping on air mattresses at our house when we all got the stomach flu. This year people are staying in hotels.  Last week both Mary,in Ohio, and Kameren, in Baltimore came down with the big flu. I have a head cold, no fever. On the 19th we went to Greenfield Village Holiday Nights.  Greenfield Village is a must if you come anywhere near Detroit. On the 21st Hubby and I collected for the Lions club.  The first 2 hours were not so bad but the last 2 were awfully cold.  From there we went to the Olive Garden for Mom's 97th birthday party. She was dressed nicely and walks in the restaurant like a 70 year old.  She did say that although we usually share the olives in the salad, since it was her birthday she got them all.

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