Thursday, July 26, 2018


Hubby is back at raising butterflies.  His primary interest is Monarchs but he has also raised black swallowtails.  Right now on the dining room table in a plastic shoe box, he has two Monarch chrysalis. He also has 14 more Monarch caterpillars.  He has 10 Black swallowtail caterpillars. They are eating fennel.

Hubby has given presentations before the Lions Club on the Monarch butterfly.  The butterfly has been endangered but this year we have seen more of them than ever in the past. The video was taken of the butterflies coming out of the chrysalis.

1 comment:

Pam J. said...

This is very, very cool. (I hate using that word but it just fits!) I wonder if I should try to raise caterpillars? I wanted to raise chickens but vetoed that after some research and realizing that they would be hard to protect in my hawk/fox rich neighborhood. So I raised bees for a year but gave it up after my husband complained -- gently and sweetly but complained nonetheless. But caterpillars...other than my cats I think they would have a safe environment here. Hmmm...will let you know.