Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another class

Today Hubby and I went to a class on roses at Telly's garden center in Troy, Michigan. It was really a good class. For $5 we had an excellent class, coffee, muffins, and a coupon for $5 off 3 rose bushes. The teacher warned us it was too early to plant the roses in Michigan. Last year Hubby planted 4 rose bushes in a specially prepared garden. This year we plan to go for 4 more. Hubby looks every rose up on the internet and in the Ortho Rose guides to make sure we get winners. The ones from last year weathered the winter very well so I guess he knows what he is doing. I understand that Sunday and Monday we will get temperatures in the thirty's. The rose lady said to wait two more weeks before planting in Michigan. I put some of my wintered plants out on the porch, some geraniums, Wandering Jew, Asperagus Fern and some other viney plant(verdant prolifica). I can bring these back inside easily.

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